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We know, we think, we feel, we do
we are Systemic


More than training, we want to help co-construct the best possible future within the context in which we live. Not giving up, not stopping, but adapting, rethinking, resenting, recalculating, refocusing, relearning. We will bring art, theater, mindfulness, culture, beauty and other creative and emotional components to help us learn more about ourselves and the world, so that we can think freely about potential solutions and our active role as citizens. At a time when society as a whole needs to accelerate the transition to a greener, more inclusive and humanist economy, it is necessary to democratize access to scientific, entrepreneurial and artistic knowledge, so that we can recover the creativity that exists in human nature and, with it, move forward in this unstable world. It's important to believe that we can have the future we want. The future is built through our actions, so it makes sense to act on that desire. And sometimes we have to learn to act on that desire. Throughout the year we will be presenting innovative courses and workshops. And we also want to co-develop initiatives with organizations that want to bring the spirit of constructive change to their employees and partners. Get in touch!

Performance Drama
Nature walk
Nature walk
Nature walk

O que é a Future Academy?

É uma academia que vai capacitar os agentes de transformação das organizações a liderarem a mudança necessária para que as suas empresas possam caminhar, de forma consistente e genuína, em prol da sustentabilidade. Para tal a Future Academy vai desenvolver programas destinados a trabalhar quer o lado direito quer o lado esquerdo do cérebro:

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Porque criámos a Future Academy?

Because at a time when society as a whole needs to accelerate the transition to a greener, more inclusive and humanist economy, it is necessary to democratise access to scientific, entrepreneurial and artistic knowledge so that we can recover the creativity that lies within human nature and with it move forward in this unstable world, where innovation and the ability to invest in green and social enterprises need to be accelerated. More than training, we want to help co-construct the best possible future within the context in which we live. We want to help participants not to give up, not to stop, but to adapt, to rethink, to resist, to recalculate, to refocus, to unlearn and to act. We will use art, theatre, mindfulness, culture, beauty and other creative and emotional components to help us learn more about ourselves and the world, so that we can think freely about possible solutions and our active role as citizens who rejoice in the happiness of others, as Adam Smith advocated.

Nature walk

Formações a realizar

  • Introdução à Sustentabilidade e ESG

  • Passos para definir uma Estratégia de Sustentabilidade

  • Como fazer um relatório de sustentabilidade para PME e para Grandes empresas?

  • Que práticas de sustainable finance devo implementar?

  • Que dados ESG devo ter?

  • Cálculo das pegada dos Gases com Efeitos de Estufa

  • Como criar códigos de fornecedores e como atribuir um rating ESG a um fornecedor?

  • Como comunicar a sustentabilidade, evitando o Greenwashing?

  • Ética e cultura empresarial

  • Liderança por propósito

  • Gestão Sustentável

  • Care & Sustainability Due Diligence

  • Mindfullness & bem-estar

  • Técnicas de respiração (Breathwork)

  • Pensamento crítico e empatia

  • Self awereness e liderança

  • Resiliência cognitiva

  • Arte & Empresas

Future courses

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"Knowledge grows when it's shared", and that's why we created Systemic - Future Academy, its sustainability training platform.

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