We know, we think, we feel, we do
we are Systemic
In a world of constant change and increasingly complex challenges, we help your organization prepare for the present and the future.
Our services
We have the solution to your challenge.

We offer DGERT-accredited training on various topics in the area of sustainability, ESG, carbon, circular economy, behavioral change, mindfulness, corporate culture, and much more. Our training is provided through Systemic - Imagine the Future Academy and we can create training sessions tailored to your company's needs.

Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan
Today, in order to be competitive, all companies - both large and SMEs - have to define a sustainability strategy that is appropriate to their size and challenges. To be effective, this strategy must be accompanied by a set of planned actions that enable the company to achieve the ESG performance it needs to strengthen its competitiveness, access to capital and the development of partnerships. Over the last 20 years, Systemic has used its own methodology to help large companies and SMEs define their sustainability purpose, strategy, action plan, policies and governance model.

Double Materiality Matrix
Just as in accounting information there is the principle of materiality of numbers, in sustainability issues it is also important for companies to understand which issues are actually material to their company. With the new corporate sustainability reporting directive, it has become a requirement for all companies to know and disclose their dual materiality. This consists of the company identifying its impacts on society and the environment, as well as the environmental, social and ethical issues that could have a financial impact on the company. This is a new approach, with a lot of knowledge to be developed, but fundamental for any company: SME or large; public or private. Systemic has developed its own methodology for large companies and SMEs, making it possible to speed up the completion of this fundamental stage in a substantive and effective way.

Sustainability Report
Currently, large listed companies are obliged to report their non-financial performance on an annual basis. However, with the entry into force of the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), this reporting will be mandatory for all other large companies, phased in from fiscal year 2024. SMEs are encouraged to also carry out this reporting on a voluntary basis, and should follow the reporting recommendations for SMEs, which is being developed by EFRAG - to find out more, read the "Systemic Brief on SMEs and EFRAG". The Systemic team has over 20 years' experience in sustainability reporting, following the GRI approach, Integrated Reporting, and, more recently, the CSRD and EFRAG's ESRS standards.

ESG Due Diligence
Any acquisition of a company, as well as the establishment of structured partnerships, requires an analysis of risks and opportunities. Nowadays, investors need to understand the level of risk and/or good ESG practices of the asset under analysis. At Systemic, we have developed ESG fact sheets that enable these analyses to be carried out quickly and easily, assigning a risk level to the assets under analysis.

Climate Risks and ESG
All companies face climate and ESG risks, which must be incorporated into their risk management model. Banks will have to incorporate them into their credit risk management and funds into their portfolio management. The TCFD methodology and the NGFS scenarios provide the information basis for financial and non-financial companies to incorporate these climate risks into their business. Systemic has been applying both the TCFD and the NGFS scenarios to financial and non-financial companies.

Supplier Policy and Assessment
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the Sustainability Due Diligence Directive have made it mandatory for large companies to minimize negative environmental, social and ethical impacts throughout their value chain. To this end, the creation of a Sustainable Supplier Policy, ESG ratings for suppliers and training actions that can encourage suppliers to have better sustainable management practices will be fundamental. Over the last five years, we have developed codes of ethics, supplier codes, ESG criteria for evaluating suppliers and supplier ratings, helping companies to identify and manage ESG risks in their value chain.

Carbon Footprint
All companies - from micro-enterprises and SMEs to large corporations - will be obliged, through legislation or market pressure, to calculate their impact and contribution to worsening climate change. This impact is measured by calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and there are specific methodologies that make it possible to determine the company's carbon footprint in areas 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. the emissions associated with the activity throughout its value chain), and thus set targets for reduction and carbon neutrality. Systemic has an international partnership with the Carbon Alt+Delete platform, which allows us to calculate the carbon footprint in a systematic, organized and fast way, using the best national and international references. Over the last 3 years we have calculated the carbon footprint for various organizations.

Circular Economy
Companies consume resources and are also responsible for producing waste. The need to consume resources more efficiently throughout the product's value chain, including at the end of its life, implies the development of innovation processes that can produce products and services with lower environmental impacts. Circular economy strategies are now key areas for companies where the purchase of materials and the production of waste are significant. At Systemic we have developed strategies of this nature for high-impact companies in Portugal.

Communication & Greenwashing
Communicating ESG practices is something new for companies, and requires a high level of technical knowledge on the part of the teams to ensure that the company does not fall foul of the still developing legislation on Greenwashing and Green Claims. At Systemic we have the technical and communications knowledge to help companies' marketing and communications teams communicate their good practices without running the risk of legal non-compliance with existing rules.
SMEs, Large Companies, Banking, Real Estate Funds, Securities Funds, Public Entities, Associations, Universities, Development Agencies and Central Banks
Portugal, Ireland, Armenia, Angola, Cape Verde, Australia
Challenge us
At Systemic we like to work on innovation and pilot projects.
If you have an idea, challenge, or innovative project, contact us! We know that together we will be able to find a creative and useful solution.